Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where in the Scriptures is the command to remove health care from those who need it?

Dear Readers,

As we witness the spectacle of the new Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, fueled by the falsely named "Tea Party" astro-turf movement (funded and artificially created to appear to be a "grassroots movement" by the radical right wing Koch brothers among others), and their signature goal to repeal our hard-won reforms to U.S. Health Care (which moved us only minimally toward the health care that every other industrialized nation of our type in the world has), I have a question.

Where in the Scriptures of the great monotheistic creeds, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which I believe encompass all of the "Tea Party" adherents, can the Divine command be found: "Thou shalt take affordable health care away from those who need it, and make sure that only the well-to-do and powerful have healthcare."

Eastern (Byzantine) Christianity, the Tradition of the greatest Christian Empire in history, the Roman Empire (from 330 to the Fall of the Empire in 1453) includes a class of saints, the Holy Unmercenary Physicians, who heal without charge. The Empire emulated this in creating the finest health care system in ancient Europe (the best care until the 18th century), which, by its height in the 12th-13th centuries, provided free healthcare for all, funded by the state, the Emperor, the wealthy and the Church.

So "Tea Partiers" and neocons in the House... where is your justification? Don't look to "Fox News-Entertainment"* for answers, go pray about it, and ask the One you claim to worship what God really wants. I think you will find the answer in your Sacred Scriptures too.

More on this to come.


* Fox News-Entertainment bears the same relationship to a real news channel that the WWE (Pro-Wrestling) bears to real sports...its just that Vince McMahon is honest enough to call his programming "Sports-Entertainment." Thank you Mr. McMahon for your honesty!

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